Here we go!

I suppose I should start with an introduction in case you are reading this and you’re not from my facebook account. My name is Lindsey and I am twenty-three years old. I love to sit down with a cup of tea or hot cocoa and read a good book. I currently live in Florida but seriously long for a colder climate. When the kids are older we will probably move elsewhere but, until then, I’m stuck in the ever humid Florida. It’s been a long while since I’ve done any blogging but I really miss it. I have never been particularly adept at maintaining a journal or diary but I do love to research and write. Next month will be National Novel Writing Month and I am trying to get prepared. I haven’t taken NaNoWriMo seriously since my first year in 2009 and hope to change that this year. I will be doing my best to focus, write, research, and record the process. If you would like to participate please visit and you will meet a whole world of authors, inspirational people, and research materials for all genres of writing.